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Our Farms 

At G Foods Club, our farms are more than just land; they are the heart of our mission. Nestled in the lush landscapes of the South East of England, each farm is a beacon of local, regenerative agriculture. Our farmers, deeply rooted in their local communities, are not only guardians of traditional agricultural practices but also pioneers in innovative, sustainable farming.

Our mission

Our Mission: Empowering Farmers, Nurturing the Planet


At G Foods Club, our mission is twofold: to revolutionise the way food is produced and consumed, and to ensure that the heart and soul of our food system - our farmers - are justly rewarded for their invaluable work.


100% Returns to Farmers

Central to our ethos is the principle that farmers should receive the full value of their produce. We believe that the hardworking individuals who cultivate our food deserve more than just a fair share; they deserve it all. Therefore, 100% of the money received from the sale of their produce goes directly to them. This commitment not only provides financial support to our farming community but also encourages and enables sustainable and regenerative farming practices.


Sustaining Through Subscription

To sustain this model, we operate on a small subscription fee. This fee is more than just a transaction; it's an investment in a sustainable future. It allows us to maintain and grow our network of farms, support our logistics and operations, and continue to provide our customers with the highest quality, sustainably sourced produce. This way, we can ensure that our service is beneficial for both our customers and our farmers.


A Vision for the Future

Our mission goes beyond the present; it's about shaping a future where the food industry is synonymous with ethical practices, environmental stewardship, and economic fairness. By joining G Foods Club, you are not just partaking in a food service; you are supporting a movement that values the planet and its people.


Together, we are creating a sustainable model that benefits everyone involved - from the soil to the table. This is our promise, our mission, and our commitment to you and the planet.

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